Over the last year or so, I’ve been jotting down life truths I’ve learned—many the hard way—in an email draft as I’ve thought of them. Since my 39th birthday (actual 39th, not “39th”) is fast approaching, I figured I’d share what I’ve collected so far.

It’d be awesome if my list had exactly 39 lessons in it, but I guess I just haven’t learned that many yet. Maybe that’s another one: don’t force it.

So, in no particular order, things I know to be true:

  1. Whenever you think, “I’ll remember that,” write it down.
  2. Make your rest ethic as strong as your work ethic.
  3. If your hands are full and there is liquid and technology involved, reconsider your strategy.
  4. Always dress warmly or bring a sweater to the dentist or doctor’s office.
  5. A 12-minute mile is the same distance as an 8-minute mile.
  6. Bad habits are hard to break, but so are good ones.
  7. If you’re traveling for work, then traveling is work.
  8. If you get the nachos stuck together, that’s one nacho.
  9. Spending money on gear that makes your hobbies more comfortable and/or safer is a good investment.
  10. If you can, arrange your days so that you can leverage when you’re at your best. (And do fewer hard things when you’re struggling.)
  11. Do not make big decisions or purchases (including final sale purchases or things where measuring is involved) when in a hurry, overtired, or sick/have a fever.
  12. Use/wear/eat/drink your nice things. They will bring you joy and elevate the mundane. Exception: if you’re saving something specific to motivate you to reach a certain milestone or accomplishment.
  13. Learn how to do a VLOOKUP in Excel.
  14. When putting together a document (memo, spreadsheet, slide deck), even a rough draft, use your company’s brand font. It automatically makes it seem more polished and like you know what you’re doing.
  15. Adopting an animal and making them part of your family brings so much joy into your life.
  16. Never count on in-flight WiFi.
  17. Don’t throw out (all of) your old towels.
  18. PTO is part of your total compensation. If you don’t take it, you’re making less money per hour than you could be.
  19. Not making a decision is making a decision.

Have you learned some of these, too? Do you disagree with any?

I hope to think of, learn, and re-learn more life lessons during every trip around the sun I get and publish updates with every birthday. See ya on my 40th! (I mean, for this post; I’ll keep posting other things in the meantime.)

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