Buy Less 2020 – An Epiphany

The other day, a friend asked me how I did with my Buy Less (clothing) 2020 resolution. I was telling her about my rough start (it totally backfired in January), but then how I finished the year feeling really good about my mostly secondhand and/or local purchases. We chatted about…

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On luck and success

Today’s my birthday, so I figured I’d post here to celebrate. (Okay fine, I didn’t get a post written in time for my usual Monday morning deadline.) On my birthday, I often find myself reflecting on how lucky I am. Just the other day, I started a sentence with, “With…

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Zen and the art of subtitles

It seems like we’re always trying to find ways to focus on one thing at a time. We’ve learned that multi-tasking is terrible for productivity, and that our favorite apps are designed to addict us and keep us hitting “refresh,” even when we should be doing something else. So here’s…

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Breakfast of this champion

I believe that variety is a (but maybe not the) spice of life and that novel experiences are huge contributors to happiness. The research backs it up. I’ve also eaten the same thing for breakfast nearly every day for five years (maybe more), and it has made me incredibly happy….

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2020 in review

Hahahahahahahahahahaha: “2020 in review.” In years past, I’ve done a recap of each month of the previous year and touched on the highlights. This year, I’d like to list accomplishments, both big and small, because accomplishing anything in 2020 was a huge win. Back in May, I wrote about starting…

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A Thanksgiving Throwback

I don’t know about you, but when it comes to this upcoming Thanksgiving break, I’m comin’ in hot. So instead of writing something new today, I’m going to re-post something I wrote last Thanksgiving (even though it’s a little outdated). And no, it’s not about being grateful. Happy Thanksgiving and…

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BoJack Wisdom

My husband is going to make fun of me for this post. He had been trying to get me to watch BoJack Horseman since it came out. I resisted…until last week. And then I watched the entire first season. In one of the last episodes, BoJack asks the ghostwriter of…

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