Prioritizing wellness now & later

Let’s talk about work/life balance (again), shall we? Something I’ve noticed over the past few weeks, as more people are eligible to get a COVID vaccine and appointments have become more available, is that people are prioritizing getting vaccinated. (Granted: I have mostly people who are enthusiastic—desperate, even—about getting vaccinated…

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We’re human beings, not human doings

Processes, not people, are to blame for most mistakes. It’s something I learned when in healthcare management classes, and it’s something that I’ve seen over and over again in the workplace (mostly outside of healthcare). Just the other day, a colleague of mine found a mistake that affected about a…

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I attended a virtual wine and cheese tasting a few weeks ago (it was AMAZING), and besides leaving with a new favorite blue cheese and Riesling, I also left having learned about terroir. According to Wikipedia, terroir is is a “French term used to describe the environmental factors that affect a crop’s…

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Better sleep? Check.

A few weeks ago, my mom was telling me about the debilitating work-related anxiety she was experiencing over the weekends. The issue was that on Friday afternoons, she had to do all kinds of preparation for certain things that happen over the weekend—things she’s not around for. On Friday nights,…

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You may recall that I’m participating in a COVID-19 vaccine trial (I wrote about it here). Well, last week, I got a phone call from the study site asking if I wanted to be unblinded—i.e., learn if I was given the vaccine or placebo. Of course I said yes, and…

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Burnout: not acute look

I took some time off last week. I was starting to recognize signs of fatigue that happen during the slog that is the time between the winter holidays and the next day off: Memorial Day. That’s 20 weeks! I had time to take, so I took some (and you can…

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Lights Out

Now for something a little lighter. (That was punny. You’ll see.) If you’re like me, you might have trouble peeling yourself off the couch when your nightly pandemic social time (AKA copious amounts of television) ends and it’s time to go to bed. I know some people have found success…

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False Finish Lines

With COVID restrictions easing up again, I keep thinking about something I call “false finish lines.” I came up with the term when a friend of mine, after working really hard to hit her goal weight, stopped working so hard and gained back all of the weight she had lost….

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